Uncle Kong’s Thud Factory

I didn’t work the camera on this clip, but I worked the camera on a couple other episodes in 1990. UKTF was part of Eastern Monroe Career Center’s Television and Radio program. Bands performed live on 90.5 WBER and the video was shown later on a public access cable channel. A childhood friend, Drew Michaels, introduced me to the show and the station, and I was set to work on the cameras. A few months later, after a changing-of-the-guards when seniors graduated, I somehow was the one running it.

Koo Koo Boy mugs for the camera. I wore white pants. It was the early ’90s, and no one tried to stop me.

It didn’t feel like I was running it. My involvement seemed trivial. I booked a few bands, co-wrote a theme song and cut a few promos, but on the day of the show, everyone set-up and performed with very little of my input.

Intellectually, knowing that light travels so much faster than sound isn’t that shocking, but sitting in a DJ booth and hearing a band on the radio, broadcasted by a tower twenty miles south – from a signal sent by microwave originating from a room fifteen feet down the hall, before hearing the band live? That’s a little tingly.

another episode I didn’t work on.

